What is RECAA?
Ressources Ethnoculturelles Contre l’Abus envers les Aîné(e)s, Respecting Elders Communities against Abuse is an initiative of community workers, organizations and individuals from the ethnocultural communities of Montreal.
Who is RECAA?
We are an organization of elders from Montreal’s cultural communities who work across age, gender and ethnic lines to promote a culture of respect for elders from all our communities.
We come from across the world: Europe, Africa, Asia, South Asia, the Middle East, the Caribbean Islands, North America and Latin America. Our journey to Quebec has been as unique as our ethnic mixtures.
Unfortunately, elder abuse or mistreatment crosses all cultural, ethnic, religious and class groupings.
We are especially concerned with including those elders who may be isolated and vulnerable to disrespect and mistreatment because of language and cultural differences.
We are united by a common goal: to work towards cultivating respect for elders within families and society. We want our children and grandchildren to grow up safe, strong and free. We see the necessity now more than ever to work amongst ourselves and with other community groups to combat the racism, ageism, sexism, and classism that touches our entire globalized world.

What is our mission?
To work towards a culture of respect for our elders; our elders should be able to live in dignity, safety and free of exploitation and physical or mental abuse.
What are our objectives?
To raise awareness of elder mistreatment within the ethnocultural communities.
To develop strategies for abuse prevention that respect the language and cultural perspectives of our elders.
To provide opportunities for elders from the ethnocultural communities to participate in the work of raising awareness, resource building and networking.
What strategies do we use?
RECAA uses forum theatre, acting out situations from the life of elders in the cultural communities. These non-verbal scenes stimulate discussion and problem solving.
RECAA is now expanding its work through digital technologies.
Who are our partners?
- Atwater Digital Literacy Project
- Mobile Lab Technologies
- CLC, Community Learning Center
Community organizations:
- -Chinese Family Services
- -Council for Black Aging Montreal Inc.
- -Copsi
- -South Asia Women’s Community Center
- -Montreal Assaults Prevention Center
- -Table des concertations des Aines de la ville de Montreal