I don’t know about you, but I have been experiencing insomnia lately. Not that my sleep pattern is perfect, but I keep having anxiety dreams that wake me up in the middle of the night. Mostly they are about things I am trying to do and can’t manage… and sometimes I dream that I am catching COVID 19 and what am I going to do about it? Then I wake up and I think that it would be almost impossible for me to become infected with that virus, considering that I am at home 90% of the time with my daughter Elza. I enjoy my only outing of the day with my sister Mireille, as we walk around the neighbourhood, at a safe distance from each other (more or less) and others (for sure!). Then, sometimes, when I wake up in the middle of the night I think about death. Am I afraid of dying right now? I am not sure. Sometimes I think that of course I am and I want to live much longer among my family and friends and I want to be useful to others, but at other times I look back upon my life, which has been rich and full of love and I tell myself that I could leave this world without too much regret. And I remember the words of the Baghavad Gita, which has been called the marvel of Hinduism, and a wonderful gift to the world , and which Jesus has echoed when he said: ‘’ The kingdom of heaven is within”. So, let’s not be overwhelmed by ‘’lust, fear, and anger’’, but try to rely on our inner strength and enjoy each day to its fullest.. despite insomnia! ……