In April of 2021 Premier Legault, Health Minister Christian Dubé and minister responsible for seniors and caregivers Margaret Blais announced a reform policy for Seniors in Long Term Care
New policies without implementation and accountability will not create caring communities.
- How will they transform our present institutions into caring and safe communities for older adults?
- How will they implement a philosophy that promotes empathy, compassion and justice for all individuals in our long term care facilities?
- How will the policies include home and health care as well as finance choice for families?
- How will older adults from the cultural communities be included in long term care facilities if language and culture are barriers to their well-being?
Those Who Suffered and Died
- Write a letter or send an email to PM Legault, Margaret Blais, Christian Dubé and to your member of parliament.
- Phone their offices with your demands for real reforms
- Use suggestions from Canadian and International Organizations:
- Health Age International (https://www.helpage.org/what-we-do/un-convention/
- CNPEA Canadian Network for the Prevention of Elder Abuse https://cnpea.ca/en/about-cnpea/who-we-are
- Check our FACEBOOK throughout the year for news updates on long term care for older adults