WEAAD 2021 raising awareness : resources

World Elder Abuse Awareness Day 2021 calls us all to transform awareness into ACTION

“I call upon Governments and all concerned actors to design and carry out more effective prevention strategies and stronger laws and policies to address all aspects of elder abuse.  Let us work together to optimize living conditions for older persons and enable them to make the greatest possible contribution to our world.” UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon_ 2007-2016

On June 15 each year the whole world voices its opposition to the abuse and suffering inflicted on some of our older generations.

Elder abuse is a problem that exists in both developing and developed countries yet is typically underreported globally. Prevalence rates or estimates exist only in selected developed countries — ranging from 1% to 10%. Although the extent of elder mistreatment is unknown, its social and moral significance is obvious. As such, it demands a global multifaceted response, one which focuses on protecting the rights of older persons.

Here are some links to organizations that inform us globally and locally.

Help Age International https://www.helpage.org 

Age Demands Action.  (ADA) is a grassroots campaign to fight age discrimination. The organization has very informative youtube capsules.

Canadian Network for the Prevention of Elder Abuse


Handicap Vie Dignité is a community organization which defends the rights of residents in long term care in Quebec. … The report, as well as many other resources can be found on their website.


RECAA, Ressources ethnoculturelles contre l’abus envers les aîné.e.s/Respecting Elder Communities Agaist Abuse

Web site : recaa.ca
